WANTED: My NDT Qualification & Certification Records!

NDT certification documents under review for certification and qualification.

Regarding NDT records, should ASNT take action to help technicians transition to new employer-based programs, and to help employers hire and certify in a more expedient manner without jeopardizing the integrity of their employer-based certification program?

Evolution of Eddy Current Testing

Dr Neil Goldfine

Dr. Neil Goldfine will provide an overview of the developments in eddy current testing with a focus on the rapid rise of the technique’s capabilities during the past decade.

Mingle with Local Section Leaders

Participants in the 2019 Meet the Section Leaders event -- ASNT 2020

Sections are in a unique position to engage with members during the pandemic. Many of our sections are holding meetings virtually, creating opportunities for peer-to-peer conversations, and technical learning.

Celebrating ASNT Award Winners

The award winners at the ASNT Annual Conference also known as ASNT 2020

While we’re sad that we can’t gather in person this year to celebrate our award winners and honorees, we hope that you enjoy this video compilation.