One major benefit of ASNT membership is the ability to network with and learn from fellow NDT professionals. ASNT’s Mentoring Program connects experienced ASNT members with individuals who would like to advance their NDT careers. To meet member needs and create a robust mentoring program that can be accessed from anywhere, the Mentoring Program has undergone updates that went live in August 2021.

“Mentoring is important because it allows experienced members to inspire the next generation of NDTers,” said ASNT Program Specialist Esther Waldman. “When someone is mentored, they are more likely to then become a mentor to someone else in the future.”

The last two years saw massive changes to how people meet and connect, with online spaces becoming essential. With so many members dispersed around the globe, being able to connect ASNT members virtually will continue to be important into the future. One of the new innovations to the Mentoring Program is that each component is now accessible in one convenient web-based platform. These components include registering for the program, setting up a profile, and all mentoring communication.

The profile is an important part of the update. Both mentors and mentees will set up a profile, which includes a series of questions that will be used by the system to help match participants. Upon completion, the system will automatically suggest mentors. Alternatively, the mentee is able to browse through the pool of available mentors and create filters to help find the right person. Mentees can request a match themselves and initiate conversations and meetings right in the platform. The self-matching option will provide a much quicker match for participants.

Once the mentor and mentee are matched, the online program has several tools to foster a productive relationship. This starts with an agreement signed by both of the participants, as well as a checklist for assistance deciding where the mentee needs guidance and how they would like to grow in their career. Members can also use the platform to communicate, schedule meetings, track their mentoring journey through curriculum and meeting recaps, and personal journal notes. Upon completion of the program, the platform includes surveys and a certificate of completion.

Members who are interested in learning more about the Mentoring Program and getting started can visit


Haley Cowans is Educational Books Editor at ASNT,

For additional information about the importance of mentoring, check out these resources:

Read “Research Council Mentoring Program: A Success Story,” written by Shant Kenderian and published in 2017 in Materials Evaluation, Vol. 75, No. 9, pp. 1091–1096:

Listen to our Chat NDT with ASNT episode with Toni Bailey on COVID-19 and the Mentorship Gap:

Photo from Shutterstock.

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