by Jorge Reyna

This was my experience as a volunteer ambassador for ASNT 2021.

The fragrance of coffee woke me before the sun was up, although the excitement had done so long before. I left the hotel and walked 8 minutes to the Convention Center.

In the Phoenix Convention Center.

The Convention Center is a large building in downtown Phoenix. I had stopped by the evening before, just after arriving from my home in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. I arrived one day early to quickly introduce myself to ASNT staffer James Bennett and learn what I would do as an ambassador the next day. James handed me an ambassador T-shirt and thanked me and my fellow volunteers. He and his team are the kind of people who greet you with a friendly smile and make you feel welcome.

On Tuesday I arrived to this great building at 7:15 a.m.

I showed up proudly wearing my yellow T-shirt that, with its bright color, reminded me of the fluorescence of penetrating liquids.

First, I helped ASNT staff with the arrangements of the day. That allowed me to discover the details and effort of the ASNT team to make this event possible.

Guest blogger Jorge Reyna, far left, with his fellow ambassador volunteers.

One of the things that most interested me was the attention the staff paid to printing a newspaper every day. The map inside was very useful when guiding the participants who came to registration. It was exciting seeing a photo of me on the second page. I immediately showed it to my new volunteer friends and, of course, shared the photo on Facebook.

People began to arrive little by little. First were the exhibitors, who started the day with a great attitude and began working before 9:00 a.m. Then came the participants. They were an enthusiastic group who appeared to have many years of NDT experience and knowledge.

There were red, yellow, and green ribbons available to attach to your nametag to identify who was comfortable with a handshake and close conversation, and who preferred to keep a little more distance when speaking. Participants thought it was a great idea.

When completing my registration the day before, I placed three ribbons on my ID—Volunteer, International, and ASNT Level III—and each one felt like a badge worthy of being honorably worn.

I liked being able to see some acquaintances and briefly guide them on how to print their identification, comment on the use of the app, and show them where the events of the day were located.

I also loved meeting new people. I was able to talk with inspectors, colleagues, and other Level IIIs from other parts of the world who traveled to Arizona with the sole purpose of visiting this event. Each conversation was an opportunity to get to know a bit of the NDT perspective from the voices of the main actors in each area. Little by little I was filled with encouragement and good humor knowing that we could finally be at a main event in person again. And what a great way to do it!

After a few hours more, fellow volunteers arrived and I asked them to take a photo to remember with our yellow shirts. Then with a smile, I said goodbye at the end of my shift. 

At the end of the day, I went into the exhibit hall where I found advanced ultrasound and MFL equipment that I would be very pleased to have in my company. Soon after, I greeted some friends that I met in the corridors and I bought as many ASNT books as I could fit in my luggage.

I look forward to and am very excited about next year’s event.


Jorge Reyna, owner, JRSA Inspections, email Reyna was selected to be a guest blogger for ASNT 2021 and blogs about NDT at Jorge T. Reyna’s Blog.

Photos courtesy of Jorge Reyna.

11 Responses

  1. Excelente experiencia estar entre lo mejor de ASNT en hora buena ingeniero un ejemplo a seguir le deseamos mucho éxito en las próximas conferencias ASNT

  2. Gran ejemplo a seguir, hace poco tiempo que lo conocí en un Webinar y en ese poco tiempo ha logrado éxito tras éxito, muchas felicidades!

  3. Alguien dele un premio a este hombre! Felicidades Jorge, he seguido tu carrera desde hace años y me consta que trabajas con mucha pasión. Enhorabuena! orgullo de Latinoamérica!

  4. Como Mexicano y profesional en las PND me da mucho gusto conocerte, no me imagino los sentimientos que deben pasar por tu cabeza por este logro en tu vida, enhorabuena Jorge!

  5. Very nice blog post! made me feel I was there with each of Jorge’s vivid comments on the progess of his experience at the conference as anbassador!

    Great iniciative hope all a blast at conference !

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